Constitutional & Administrative Law Bar Association Speed Mooting Competition

Please check the competition's official website for important information related to the Moot.

ALBA is delighted to announce details of its third mooting competition, with the finals to be held on 12 December 2023, 5-7.30pm in the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. The moot will be judged by Lord Justice Green, Mrs Justice Lieven and Christopher Vajda QC (former UK judge at the CJEU). The final will be held in court room 1 of the Supreme Court.

The competition will take the form of a speed moot in which mooters will argue certain points on the law of consultation on appeal from R (Eveleigh) v Secretary of State for Work and Pensions [2023] EWCA Civ 810.

The first stage is judged based on applications for permission to appeal which must be submitted by 5pm on Monday, 6 November 2023.

Eligibility: open to current law students, including LLB, GDL, LPC and BPTC students (subject to competition rules)

Registration Deadline: First Come, First Serve with a Maximum of 64 Spaces available

Prize: £1000 for the winning team; £500 for the second-placed team. The four members of the winning and second-placed team will also each be entitled to a free place at the ALBA summer conference 2024 in Cambridge.